The Crown and the Cross
March 24, 2024 // Pastor Mike Schroeder
"Are we okay with Jesus being the Messiah on his terms?" Pastor Mike Schroeder. Let's get to know Jesus, align ourselves with the truth of who he is and what he wants for us and as we celebrate Palm Sunday, let's reflect on the loving sacrifice he willingly made for us.
The Pace of Jesus
March 10, 2024 // Pastor Tonya Janzen
"Jesus was never stressed or overwhelmed. He noticed the broken, the hurting, the outcast and his unhurried pace meant he had time to stop and talk with them." Pastor Tonya Janzen. Let's be people who move at a pace like Jesus and are able to be interrupted to stop, talk and help.
Motion College
February 18, 2024 // Dax and Teagan from Motion College
Our guest speakers from Motion College in Kamloops, deliver a beautiful message about "Faith that can act as the foundation for your life" and "Faith in Adversity." This message will help build and strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ.
The Bread of Life
February 4, 2024 // Pastor Matt Janzen
Pastor Matt continues our seres "A Walk With Jesus" and speaks of satisfying our spiritual hunger by seeking Jesus. "When you seek the giver and not the gift, your identity is secure in him. Let's be people who go after his presence and not his blessings." Pastor Matt Janzen.
January 28, 2024 // Pastor Matt Janzen
Pastor Matt speaks about the importance of having a close relationship with Jesus and carrying his fragrance to the world. "What God is looking for is not perfection but it's those who sell everything to pursue him." Pastor Matt Janzen. Let's be people with the kind of faith that will do everything to get to Jesus!
The Sound of His Voice
January 21, 2024 // Pastor Matt Janzen
Our Pastor Matt Janzen emphasizes the importance of knowing Jesus personally and recognizing his voice. It encourages us to dive into the scriptures for ourselves and to rely on Jesus in all aspects of life. "Let's get to know Jesus so that when he moves around, we recognize his hand in everything." Pastor Matt Janzen.